Term::Complete - Perl word completion module
$input = complete('prompt_string', \@completion_list);
$input = complete('prompt_string', @completion_list);
This routine provides word completion on the list of words in the array (or
array ref).
The tty driver is put into raw mode using the system command
stty raw -echo
and restored using stty -raw echo
The following command characters are defined:
- lttabgt
Attempts word completion.
Cannot be changed.
- ^D
Prints completion list. Defined by $Term::Complete::complete.
- ^U
Erases the current input. Defined by $Term::Complete::kill.
- ltdelgt, ltbsgt
Erases one character. Defined by $Term::Complete::erase1 and $Term::Complete::erase2.
Bell sounds when word completion fails.
The completion charater <tab> cannot be changed.
Wayne Thompson